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Applications are invited for submission of Research Projects for funding by PMRC

Dr. S. J. Zuberi Research Grant
Applications are invited for submission of Research Projects for funding by PMRC

The Pakistan Medical Research Council invites research projects for funding under Dr. Sarwar Jehan Zuberi Research Grant. The maximum limit for the grant is Rs. 0.5 Million. Each year one research project will be funded under this grant and the theme shall be chosen from one of the priority areas for health research in Gastroenterology & Hepatology.

The Theme for the year 2010-2011 for submission of Research Project, to be funded under this grant, is “Efficacy of Treatment Options for Hepatitis B & C”.

Project shall be approved after peer review by PMRC Expert Panel and recommendations of PMRC Technical Advisory Committee.
Please prepare comprehensive research projects on the above cited topic up to a budget of Rs.0.5 Million and submit 2 hard copies and a soft copy to PMRC Head Office for approval and funding. The application form for submission of research scheme is available at PMRC website under the heading “downloads”. A Checklist is also available on the website, which should be followed for submission of research projects.
One basic salary shall be given as the honoraria to Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator for full length of the project. However, if the project is of less than one year duration then ½ basic salary shall be given. Other instructions are given in the checklist.
One page CV of Principal Investigator (PI) & Co-PI should also be submitted along with the project (sample CV is available on website).
The deadline for submission of projects is November 30, 2010.

Pakistan Medical Research Council
Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, Off Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2, Islamabad
Tel: 92-51-9207386 92-51-9207386 9216793, Fax: 92-51-9216774.