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Re: A New Anti-Aging Drug 2 Years Away

Several problems with this claim:
First, there is no cause-effect relationship between free oxygen radicals and aging. Second, there are already my drugs either available over-the-counter or by prescription that are considered anti-oxidants (drugs that scavenge free oxygen radicals). None of such drugs have been shown to do anything with mortality due to their anti-oxidant properties. Third, only a randomized trials can tell whether a drug is effective or not. And a randomized trial of anti-aging medicine will take several years if not couple of decades. So I am not holding my breath for this drug.


A New Anti-Aging Drug 2 Years Away

A New Anti-Aging drug will sale over the counter in wait of just two years. Professor Vladimir Skulachev says the drug would limit the damaging impact of oxygen on cells. This can add a decade in life span. Test on animals and human volunteers have already started.
The head of bioenergetics at Moscow State University, backed by other experts, said: “Ninety-nine per cent of the time oxygen turns into harmless water, but there’s that one per cent that turns into a super-oxide that later turns into very poisonous elements.” Professor Skulachev says he is two years away from the drug being ready for sale.
When we explore the causes of ageing there are two dominant areas that we must research. Genetics as with any other thing predisposes the body the health related issues. If your parents and grandparents lived into their 80′s, you also have a good chance of living into your 80′s. The opposite end of that spectrum is that if heart disease or diabetes runs rampant in the immediate family you can have a predisposition to these diseases. That is unless you choose to alter this through your lifestyle choices.
Excesses in any life style area can be one of the causes of ageing. Smoking, drinking, excessive eating or drug use all can cause the body to age and break down at a more rapid pace than it was designed to do so. Excesses cause the body’s organs to work more pushing them to the brink of breaking down. This new discovery hopefully promotes the health and support survival.