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14th Annual Conference, Pakistan Hypertension League.

Call for Abstracts and instruction for the authors.
14th Annual Conference, Pakistan Hypertension League.
Deadline for abstracts submission is midnight 31 Oct, 2010.

The Scientific Committee of the 14th Annual Conference, Pakistan Hypertension League invites you to submit abstracts related to Hypertension management, prevention or its related fields and it will be a part of the Scientific Programme of this national and international event.
Submissions should be based on original research and should not be more than 250 words. It should be in following structured format:
Title, Objective, Methodology, Results, and Conclusions
Acknowledgement of the Abstract submission will be mailed within two weeks and a decision regards acceptance will be mailed by November 30, 2010. Free papers accepted for the conference will be published in Abstract book.
Best free papers will receive awards.
Kindly send your Abstracts to:

Chair, Scientific Committee
14th Annual Conference,
Pakistan Hypertension League