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Re: Omega-3 oil: a fishy protection for the heart

Data from randomized controlled trials show that fish oil may decrease sudden cardiac death from MI. It however doesn't decrease deaths from VT/VF that occur in the absence of MI. In fact, we had presented data at American College of Cardiology's annual meeting in 2007 showing that fish oil supplementation has no role on VT/VF incidence in the absence of MI. For Sudden cardiac deaths, there was trend towards benefit but it didn't reach statistical signicance. [Danyi et al. JACC 2007;49(Suppl) 284A.]


Omega-3 oil: a fishy protection for the heart

Omega-3 oil: a fishy protection for the heart
Adding n–3 fatty acids from fish oil—eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)—to our diet is likely to lower our risk of cardiovascular disease, according to some previous studies and basic research but other studies in people with cardiac disease have shown negative, disappointing results. Daan Kromhout et al.1 now show that low doses of a mixture of EPA and DHA (EPA-DHA) or the plant-derived lipid α-linoleic acid (ALA) did not have a beneficial effect in reducing sudden cardiac death in people that had suffered myocardial infarction in the past.
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