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BioVision Lilly Award - for 3 young scientists, in the field of infectious diseases

BioVision and TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world, with the support of the Lilly MDR-TB Partnership, have established the BioVision Lilly Award for young scientists to honor outstanding scientific achievements made by individual young scientists from the developing countries.
The prize has been established to recognize young scientists living and working in a developing country, who have a track record of excellent research in infectious diseases, with an emphasis on tuberculosis preferred, and whose research promises to have a positive impact in the developing world.
In 2011, three winners will be selected from nominations received. No more than two winners will be selected from the same developing country.
The winner receives a sum of US$5,000 to be used for his/her research and an invitation to attend BioVision 7thWorld Life Sciences Forum (Lyon, France, 27-29 March 2011) (travel and lodging costs covered).
The first runner-up receives a sum of US$2,000 to be used for his/her researc and an invitation to attend BioVision2011 (travel and lodging costs covered) as part of the "BioVision.Nxt" programme.
The second runner-up receives an invitation to attend BioVision2011 (travel and lodging costs covered) as part of the “BioVision.Nxt” programme.
Each prize also carries a certificate bearing a citation highlighting the major contributions for which the prize is awarded.
The prizes will be presented to the recipients at a special ceremony arranged by BioVision, TWAS and Lilly during BioVision2011 in the presence of participants, speakers and the media.
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Good luck !