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Dangue in Lahore

Dengue in Lahore

According to media reports, dengue epidemic activity is again ensuing in Lahore (maybe other parts as well), some important facts should be known about the disease to stay safe:

1) According to research reports, the mosquito vector of the dengue virus is resistant to spraying, it is suggested that money should not be wasted on aerosol insecticides but instead should be invested in repellents such as Mospel which keep mosquitoes away.

2) All four serotypes of the dengue virus, namely DEN 1-4 exist in Pakistan. If you have been infected with one of the serotypes you get immunity for life from that serotype. But if you get infected again from a different serotype, you are going to get a much more dangerous form of the disease. It is due a process called Antibody-Dependent Enhancement.

3) The virus is carried by the Mosquitoes of genus Aedes (notably Aedes aegypti and A albopictus). Common Mosquitoes of other genera such as Anopheles etc will not infect you.