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Re: Unbiased/ Independent Pharmaceutical Information

I am sorry, there is no such index or guide available in the Pakistan. All drug indexes available in the market are from private organizations, full of ads. PMA or any other association is least bother about these things unfortunately.


Unbiased/ Independent Pharmaceutical Information

Dear Dr. Osama
It is pathetic that the Pakistani doctors don't have access to Unbiased and Independent information and reviews of pharmaceutical products. The only source of this information is either Pharma Reps or Literature produced by pharmaceutical companies. Even the trials spomsored by multinationals are not independent. We haven't got any publication which can give an independent and unbiased review of pharmaceutical products.For example Drs depend heavily on publications like Pharmaguide (and alike) for their information. These publications burn a hole in a Drs pockets and still don't give them an independent professional guidanceor review. These type of publications are full of sponsor Ads but still expensive to buy. Is there any publication like British National Formulary (BNF), which is independent, Ads free and Unbiased? One pays for BNF but in return one gets independent, useful, unbiased and uptodate information.Can an organisation like PMA or Association of Pharmacists take a step in this direction?