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Re: research and ethical committees

I am Glad that PGMI Peshawar and Govt Of NWFP have taken initiative in establishing RESEARCH ETHICS COMMITTEES (RECS).Guidelines are in process of evaluation.


Re: research and ethical committees

which jouranl in the world publish the studies conducted on the human subjects but not approved by the ethics commitee.if answer is no then it means that in pakistan no study on human subjects is going on as no will going to accept this.Is it true?
if any journal accept these unethical studeis then what about the credibility of that journal, and check and balace system of journals in the world.


Re: research and ethical committees


Dr. Javed

Re: research and ethical committees

Dear colleagues,

With absolutely no offense to any body, I would very humbly suggest that how about if we use the proper terminology for the committee which should be 'Ethics Committee' rather than ethical committee.

The Ethics Committee or the Medical Ethics Committee are names which we prefer to use here in Pakistan to denote an Institutional Review Board (IRB) or an Independent Ethics Committee (IEC), terms designated by ICH-GCP guidelines (the internationally accepted standard for the conduct of clinical research) to bodies formed for the ethics review.
It is recommended that the Ethics Committee (or IRB/IEC) should include at least five members including at least one member whose primary area of interest is in a non-scientific area, and at least one member who is independent of the institution/trial site, where the clinical research project is proposed to be conducted.

Best regards.


Re: research and ethical committees

Yes! most of the comments are right. There is no Ethical Review Committee (ERC) in Pakistan at National level. There is need to establish the ERCs at every institution as well as at national level. At present ethical review committee is working in The Aga Khan Univesity, Karachi. We will try to arrange some of the material regarding ethical consideration before planning a research project.

Although there are no ERCs, but the general principal can be followed for the sake of protection of human subjects. Most of the international journal require the ethical approval, however when there is no ERC, the research should be along the principal of universal ethics.
If some body is interested in getting there study approval they can get it from The Aga Khan Univesity ERC. It will check and gather more information and will post on the forum.