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Re: Re: Medical ethics

i think a Govt funded public health care system is the best, no doubt about that . I want to emphasize that our role models should be researchers , eductionlists, 'Teachers and not ppl with big and evil influences, ppl with big private practices and ppl in big post. We should produce motivated doctors who work in which ever system of care giving, private or public, should be patient oriented rather than money oriented, though money is an important reality of life but if somebody really works hard there is no real shortage of reasonable money.

Ghandi once said " this world is enough for our needs but not enough for our greeds"

yasir wrote:
What if Govt asks doctors to stop private practice and see all patients in Govt hospitals and along with increasing their pay to triple? Would this formule solve the problem?


Re: Medical ethics

What if Govt asks doctors to stop private practice and see all patients in Govt hospitals and along with increasing their pay to triple? Would this formule solve the problem?


Medical ethics

I want to bring forwrd thru this form an important point which is the attitude of Pakistani doctors to their profession. since the start medical school everybody is nonserious no body is really motivated except a bunch of students in the class. ppl are more bent on making fun than study. as ppl graduate they and if fortunately get into jobs since they have never been taught any ethics and their role models are also thugs so they become the worst examples of medical personal with no integrity and principles. We should all realise that we need to be good human beings first and than good doctors , Take care of the needy humanity we are not the choosen ones its just gods will that we are Doctors and in good positions and most of our country men are in worst imaginable living conditions , donot close ur eyes i can assure u that we are not businessmen we have to change our attitude. Only we can change our self there is no book which will teach u the medical ethics.

we should be role models for the society.

Wake up doctors.
