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Topic Review - Newest First (only newest 5 are displayed)


Re: New Trends In HealthCare Technology

1. The Internet is another step in the progression of expanding availability of healthcare information.With Internet-enabled healthcare applications, access is the name of the game. By presenting your applications with a Web interface, you're offering the possibility that anyone can access those applications, from anywhere.A physician or other health service provider might want to check patient status, look up patient medical histories, transmit pharmacy prescriptions, examine medical test results, schedule procedures or issue patient care instructions. Some of these activities--like examining medical images--might be high-bandwidth transactions.

2."Speech recognition lends itself to anything where people's hands aren't available and that tends to being short-staffed in dictation help," says Rob Enderle, an analyst at the Giga Information Group. In medicine, the best examples are autopsy and operating rooms, where dictation is already common; and radiology reports, in which the radiologist is busy handling film or running other equipment.

Interactive voice response (IVR) products are an increasingly popular addition to medical office phone systems. They automate routine and event-driven phone calls, such as appointment reminders or lab results. Interaction with patients usually amounts to touch tones and recorded messages. However, some systems now employ limited speech recognition technology, enabling callers to control and enter information by speaking into the system.

3. Network computing is an emerging software architecture that addresses both the high operational costs of a client/server architecture and the growing need to extend application functionality outside a healthcare facility's walls.

4. Data warehousing's popularity is gaining ground at an opportune time, particularly in healthcare where accurate and timely information, both financial and clinical, as well as business intelligence about markets and customers, becomes a key competitive weapon for decision makers.

IT Division
Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ

[Edited by skanwal on 05-26-2005 at 05:53 PM GMT]



This is a wonderful topic initiated by Shadaab, I request to kindly give some web addresses/urls of these wonderful advances.

On my part i am giving address of the main telemedicine source in Pakistan, that has been initiated as social work by Elixir Technologies. It connects many big hospitals with the grid. The address is


New Trends In HealthCare Technology

1.Telemedicine: Telemedicine is simply a means of providing healthcare from a distance by an electronic means. Telemedicine has enormous potential to deliver better, prompter care in Pakistan outlying and rural areas. By introducing facilities at a remote clinic, the primary sister or physician could utilise the expertise of a colleague sitting at a computer many kilometres away, able to see and hear what the person in the remote area is dealing with.

2. Wireless healthcare:
We will see the Internet expand far beyond the PC and browser, and onto televisions, palm pilots and WAP (wireless application protocol) enabled cell phones of the future. In health care, this growth will become apparent with the advent of interactive connected hand held devices for clinicians. Will someone develop the be-all and end-all of applications for this wireless device?

3.Online Pharmacies

Being able to order refills of a script from home may seem to be 'just what the doctor ordered' in the eyes of the patient. Is this in fact the case?

Borrowing from the success of the e-commerce model that had been widely used in retail, travel and other industries, pharmacy chain stores began to infuse large amounts of capital into the online pharmacy market.

4.Electronic Medical Records

Electronic Medical Records have long been the dream of many physicians contemplating 'total patient care'. Imagine the power it would provide a physician to have all medical information in a single repository. It would go a long way to improving patient care, reducing paperwork and guaranteeing compliance with medical aid regulations and stipulations on providing certain difficult to obtain information.

Shadaab Kanwal
IT Division'
Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ

[Edited by skanwal on 09-25-2002 at 10:58 PM GMT]

[Edited by skanwal on 06-13-2005 at 08:30 PM GMT]