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Re: Information on more than 6000 biomedical journals/serials in PDF form (available now to download)

dear mr murad
the link you provided for downloading the pdf document is not available
can you provide an alternative to pdf

arshad slatch


Re: Information on more than 6000 biomedical journals/serials in PDF form (available now to download)

Excellent work murad!

I'll download the files and will inform you about my feedback soon.


Information on more than 6000 biomedical journals/serials in PDF form (available now to download)

The updated version of PakSer in the form PDF file for Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 5 or later) that contains information on more than 6000 biomedical journals indexed in Index Medicus, Excerpta Medica, and Medline with a lot of information based on one the largest databases of biomedical serials/journals, PakSer® database version for Microsoft Access. You can download this PDF file by clicking this link

The main contents of PakSer in the form of pdf file include

[Title page] [Copyright page] [Welcome to PakSer®] [Terms and conditions] [PakSer® sponsored version] [How to purchase PakSer®?][System requirements] [How to install and run?] [Acknowledgments][About the editor of PakSer®] [How to use PakSer®?]

In this list, about 6000 biomedical serials/journals are arranged in alphabetical order. The following information about each serial/journal are included
Title name (detailed in proper-case, with dark blue background, and light yellow text)
Title name (detailed in upper-case, green background, and very light-blue text)
Frequency of publication
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
Country where the serial/journal is published
PakMed ID (a unique number assigned to each journal in PakSer database, please refer this number if you intend to suggest any change)
Language or languages of publication
Indexing status (indexing publications in which the journal/serial is indexed)
Focused areas (the most relevant biomedical specialties or subspecialties, primarily based upon MESH or medical subject headings). Each specialty or subspecialty is separated by slash sign “/”.


FULL TITLE LISTING: In this list, full title names of the biomedical serials/journals included in PakSer® database are presented in alphabetical order. In addition, in parentheses you can find title abbreviation and ISSN.

TITLE ABBREVIATION LISTING: In this list, approved title abbreviation of the titles (as recognized by Medline, Index Medicus, and/or Excerpta Medica) are presented in alphabetical order. In addition, in parentheses you can find full title names. ISSN is also included in this list (blue color). In this list those titles are excluded that have no approved title abbreviation.

TITLES HAVING NO APPPROVED ABBREVIATION: In this list, those titles are listed (in alphabetical order) which have no approved title abbreviation. In addition, ISSN is included (green color).

COUNTRY-WISE LISTING:In this list, full title names of biomedical serials/journals are listed alphabetically for each country. In addition title abbreviation and ISSN are also included. Country-wise lists are in alphabetical order (each country-wise list starts with a new page).

PakMed LIST OF WEBLINKS OF BIOMEDICAL JOURNALS:In this list, you can find weblinks of more than 1400 biomedical serials/journals. If you are online (connected to internet), just click the weblink — the website will open.

PakMed LIST OF BIOMEDICAL JOURNALS INDEXED BY EMRO:In this list, you can find the titles of the biomedical journals indexed by WHO, EMRO.

APPENDICES:[Titles added to Index Medicus in 2001] [Title changes] [Titles excluded from Index Medicus]according to the 2002 publications of NLM (National Library of Medicine, USA)

PakMed® SERVICES: Here you can find information on various kinds of services offered by PakMed®.

PakSuite® SCREEN CLIPS: Here you can find the screen clips of some selected program modules of PakSuit®, that is a collections of hundreds of biomedical tools.

Fully-searchable PakSer® database version for Microsoft Access will be available very soon, free of charge.