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Re: masters

Msters in health is a great learning oppurtunity and if done well with good grades from a reputable instituion, combined with some good field work and research can be very rewarding.

It might land you in a WHO or Red Cross Job with good pay package.

So follow your heart and not the herd



I cleared my fcps in medicine in june last year,got selected at a prestigious hospital in khi for residency in family medicine,I did go,and worked there..but this is not what I wanted of life...I guess I didn't think tooch while deciding for part 1 and went with the flow.But now I want to do masters in public health or MNCaH,as tht is the kind of life I want.I believe I did right thing by taking this decision.I want everyone one this forum's opinion.What wod u ppl choose?go with ur interest or follow the herd?