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Re: Bird FLu-WHEN People Should Stop Eating chicken and Eggs?

Now look through that Google search and find the answer. Don't inject Quran into this. The question is: Is it necessary for you to eat other animals? If you would like to discuss Quran and Sunnah, start another thread and ask an appropriate question.
And what do you mean by "uninvited"? You opened a shop on the internet and you should be thankful to people who visit.

[Edited by chameed on 11-04-2006 at 05:50 PM GMT]

[Edited by chameed on 11-04-2006 at 05:59 PM GMT]


Re: Bird FLu-WHEN People Should Stop Eating chicken and Eggs?

I suggested Google for a reason. Don't get yourself entangled into a complicated subject like Blood Alcohol.


Bird FLu-WHEN People Should Stop Eating chicken and Eggs?

sorry for these un invited comments but there was no reason to be srcastic to her question...secondly eating other animals is not a MAN MADE RELIGIOUS DOGMA... it is permissible both in Quarn and Sunnah...secondly i searched for appendix on google and it came up with 217,000,000 results.... now what next


Re: Re: Bird FLu-WHEN People Should Stop Eating chicken and Eggs?

Thank you very much for offering to teach me few things. I will keep your generous offer in mind. You are the second person who volunteered to teach me. Luckily, I knew the blood alcohol level (390) of the first person.


Re: Bird FLu-WHEN People Should Stop Eating chicken and Eggs?

For the survival of human species, besides man made religious dogma, is it necessary to eat other animals? Since you seem to have so much free time on your hands, why don’t you search Google for appendix and report back here, so I can teach you a thing or two. Save your sympathies and tears for your future. Just look around, there’s a glut of incompetent and corrupt Pakistani doctors in this country.