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Re: Where has summer gone?


There used to be a system of civil service, where if you passed a CSP exam. you were immediately considered a class I gazetted officer whereas if an MBBS joined the civil service as a medical officer, he/she was considered a class II gazetted officer and that was the fight. The strike was successful because there were only three medical colleges in Punjab and we had full cooperation of the ladies from FJ. Then governor Amir Mohammed Khan proved himself to be a reasonable individual and after meeting with him in Lahore, we were able to convince him and the orders were issued very shortly there after.


Where has summer gone?

Sir Hameed
Can you kindly further elaborate this class I and 2 business for which you had to go on a strike... its always good to know a word about medical history apart from History of polio, penicillins......


Re: Where has summer gone?

I agree with the civilian situation. MBBS used to be class II and I remember we had to go on strike in 1963-64 to get class I. Then you have to compete with all these unlicenced and in many cases illiterates, who are dispensing all kinds of mixtures.


Where has summer gone?

Dear Sir Hameed
The system and people in PAF are very doctor friendly and you get a good pay, respect and perks and previleges of wearing an Air force uniform... i was referring to the general conditions prevalent in the civil medical sector of Pakistan ... and you are right there are private medical colleges in nearly every "Mohallah" and their annual fees runs in lakhs and except for some noble excepptions the standards are not up to the mark... And I 100% agree getting admission in medical college was in fact one of the biggest events in my life and i am sure thousands out there will agree to this

[Edited by drrathore on 20-09-2006 at 08:00 AM GMT]


Re: Where has summer gone?

Never heard of monsoon in Glasgow.