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Re: Re: Paeds Medicine and Adult Medicine

Thanks. Yup u're rite. Even if I've to work in HO's rota for 4-6 months it'll be good 'cos I don't hv any previous experience in Paeds.


Re: Paeds Medicine and Adult Medicine

Congratulations for FCPS-1. donot loose heart for not getting attachment in gen. medicine. prognosis in gen. medicine is NOT bad. it is the situation in hospital setup where you see many patients dying in a medical ward daily but you never see a patient dying in psyciatry/dermatology. but at the same time you will see only few patients of these specialities who are cured of their disease. do you think it is good prognosis. you will rarely see a patient so sick at clinic as you see at ward!
prognosis at paeds is also same children are like FLOWERS. they scumb to disease earlier than adults. that is the reason you will not see chronic illnesses in paeds ward like CRF, CCF, CLD. but you will see ch diarrhoea, malnutrition etc at paeds ward.

Joining paeds is a good idea as there is always space in Paeds. No need to start house job now as you are now to start residency. but you may have to work on house Officers Roster for few months. so donnot hesitate and join paeds. it will be a good decision.
may Allah bless you.


Paeds Medicine and Adult Medicine

AoA. I wanted to ask from the members of this forum; Is there any significant difference b/w Adult Medicine and Paeds Medicine ?n I cleared FCPS-1 in Medicine & Allied in MAR '08 but haven't been able to get a training seat in Medicine. Now I have the option of joining Paeds Medicine as the no of candidates going for Paeds are relatively less as compared to in Gen Medicine. I know the prognosis in Gen Med is not good. Is the situation same in Paeds Med or less chronic illnesses in this speciality and a better prognosis? Finally since I did my hj in Med n not in Paeds; so should I go for 6 month hj in Paeds or directly join the speciality ? Any help in this regard is highly appreciated.