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Re: physiotherapy

Hope this would help......

The term diathermy is derived from the Greek words therma, meaning heat, and dia, meaning through. Diathermy literally means heating through

The term diathermy was coined by German physician Carl Franz Nagelschmidt, who designed a prototype apparatus in 1906. Around 1925, United States doctor J. W. Schereschewsky began studying the physiological effects of high-frequency electrical currents on animals. It was several years, however, before the fundamentals of the therapy were understood and put into practice

There are three methods of diathermy. In each, energy is delivered to the deep tissues, where it is converted to heat. The three methods are:

Shortwave diathermy.

Ultrasound diathermy.

Microwave diathermy.

Short wave diathermy (SWD) uses a high frequency alternating electric current to produce wireless waves 11 m in length. These can penetrate deep structures in which they generate heat. SWD is used to relieve pain and accelerate healing of deep-seated sports injuries, such as chronic lesions in the hip joint

Microwave diathermy uses shorter wireless waves (in physiotherapy, 12.25 cm or 69 cm in length). Its depth of penetration is only about 3 cm so it can be used only on superficial structures. However, microwave diathermy has a greater heating affect on muscles than SWD, so it is particularly useful for treating small, subcutaneous muscle lesions.



diff between short wave and micro wave diathermy?