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Re: Hemolytic Anemia with Napthalene Tablets

: Chugh KS, Singhal PC, Sharma BK, Mahakur AC, Pal Y, Datta BN, Das KC. Related Articles

Acute renal failure due to intravascular hemolysis in the North Indian patients.
Am J Med Sci. 1977 Sep-Oct;274(2):139-46.
PMID: 602954 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Hope this helps.


Hemolytic Anemia with Napthalene Tablets

We have admitted a patient came with the history of diarrhea, vomiting and dark colored urine. On further inquiry, we have found that he had taken 3 tablets of Phenyl (Naphthalene). On Examination, he was mildly jaundiced, without any palpable viscera.

His Urea Creatinine was slightly derranged initially which was later improved. His PT/APTT, platelete count was normal. Retics were 10% at 2nd day with Hb of 4.5gm.

He improved after 3 days, his urine became clear and Hb started rising.

Could anybody mention any reference of Drug induced Hemolytic Anemia with Naphthalene ?