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Re: HCV- good news for pakistan

Dear Sir,
I would like to know about the current status of treatment and cost of treatment for Hept C. What are possible diagnosis.
Though I have gonethrough some literature on net, but mostly related with out of Pakistan studies.

Dr Habib-ur-Rehman Athar
Assistant Professor
Bahauddin Zakariya University
Multan Pakistan


Re: HCV- good news for pakistan

This is the point. we should design a study to see the feasibility of a regeimen which should be suitable for our patients who cannot afford longer treatment. I hope someone in hepatology pick up this task. I have a feeling regular interferon three times a week will probobly bring the same results & as this study suggests an ealy viral clearance at 4 weeks can let you select the patients with a favourable response.
Where are the young doctors looking for a clincal problem to study. Good luck.


Re: Re: HCV- good news for pakistan

This study suggests daily dose of IFN-2a for 24 weeks (for genotype 3). I am really concerned on unforunate poor patients of Hepatitis C. Isnt is hard to have daily injections for such a long period? This study wont have any clinical benefit in our setup where getting IFN itself is quite a problem.


Re: HCV- good news for pakistan

check pls


Re: HCV- good news for pakistan

Part of the purpose to study the viral kinetics in the local population is to come up with the regimen most suited for the local population. Chances of cure should not be any different as a failure to complete the recommended duration is to be treated as nieve cases especially for genotype 2 & 3. We must convince the drug companies to fund such studies as again the increased number of patients will still be profitable for them.