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Re: Re: Re: use of antivirals in hepes zoster

drsh91 wrote:
Is there any difference in recommendation for using antiviral in cases of herpes zoster in immunocompetent & immunocompromized pateints??

No, there is no difference.

There is no role for topical anti-virals, steroids or interferon injections.

Recommended treatment is as follows:

Acyclovir (Zovirax): 400 mg orally three times/day for 7-10 days.
Valaciclovir (Valtrex): 1 G orally twice a day for 7-10 days.
Famciclovir (Denavir or Femvir): 250 my orally three times a day for 7-10 days.

Occasionally a patient with other complications or generalized disease may not respond to oral therapy. In that situation, Acyclovir 5-10 mg/kg IV every 8 hours would be recommended.

This will only alleviate the symptoms but will not kill the virus or prevent recurrence.

If there is no response with the above, then Foscavir 40 mg/kg IV every 8 hours untill there is clinical resolution or development of side effects.

If no improvement after all this, pray to God.

[Edited by chameed on 08-26-2002 at 10:26 AM GMT]

[Edited by chameed on 08-26-2002 at 10:27 AM GMT]


Re: Re: use of antivirals in hepes zoster

Is there any difference in recommendation for using antiviral in cases of herpes zoster in immunocompetent & immunocompromized pateints??
naghman wrote:
Routine use of steroids woithout concomitnt use of antivirals is NOT recomeended..
NEJM Volume 347:340-346 latest Clinical Prctice Article in New England Journal of Medicine of 1st AUgust, 2002



Re: use of antivirals in hepes zoster

Routine use of steroids woithout concomitnt use of antivirals is NOT recomeended..
NEJM Volume 347:340-346 latest Clinical Prctice Article in New England Journal of Medicine of 1st AUgust, 2002



Re: Re: use of antivirals in hepes zoster

abidrana wrote:
is there any documented role of inj.steroid in case of herpes zoster .As in one seminar dermatologist claimed to have been using inj.steroid for initial 2 days.In his opinion ,it prevents from possible complication of deadly post herpetin neuralgia.What is your opinion.

There are studies suggesting that steroids may reduce the post herpetic neuralgia. Equally there are studies saying steroids increase complications and do not prevent neuralgia.

Generally speaking, steroids are not used routinely in H. Zoster infection.


Re: use of antivirals in hepes zoster

is there any documented role of inj.steroid in case of herpes zoster .As in one seminar dermatologist claimed to have been using inj.steroid for initial 2 days.In his opinion ,it prevents from possible complication of deadly post herpetin neuralgia.What is your opinion.