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avian influenza (BIRD FLU)

What about influenza pandemic? What about influenza pandemic?
- An influenza pandemic is a rare but recurring event. Three pandemics occurred in the previous century; "Spanish
influenza "pandemic in 1918,"Asian influenza "pandemic in 1957, and "Hong Kong influenza " pandemic in 1968.
- A pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerge and start spreading as easy as normal influenza by
sneezing and coughing.
-Because the virus is new, the human immune system has no pre-existing immunity, so people may experience more
serious disease than that caused by normal influenza.
What are the symptoms of bird flu in humans? What are the symptoms of bird flu in humans?
-The symptoms ranges from typical flu-like symptoms(fever, cough, sore throat and muscle aches) to eye infections,
pneumonia, severe respiratory diseases, and other life threatening complications.
Is there a vaccine effective against H5N1 in humans? Is there a vaccine effective against H5N1 in humans?
- No, there is no effective vaccine against H5N1 in humans at present.
- Currently available vaccines will not protect against disease in humans, but WHO is urgently working with others
to develop a prototype virus for use by vaccine manufacturers.
Are there drugs available for prevention and treatment? Are there drugs available for prevention and treatment?
-Yes, two classes of drugs are available. These drugs have been licensed for the prevention and treatment of human
influenza in many countries.
What about control measures in UAE? What about control measures in UAE?
- A National Emergency Committee for Control of Bird Flue has been established; the committee oversees and
coordinates the work of all relevant sectors, and monitors the situation at the international and national levels.
- The Ministry of Health developed a national influenza preparedness plan based on the World Health Organization
recommendations and protocols.
- The plan includes, stockpiling of antiviral medicines, training of health professionals on case diagnosis and
management, reinforcing the surveillance system, monitoring of high risk groups, and undertaking all necessary
preventive measures.