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Re: Prednisolone vs Beta methasone

Betamethosone is a long acting corticosteroid and Prednisolone is intermediate acting. Both steroids have significant suppression of HPA axis, maybe more from betamethasone.

Prednisolone is preferred in the treatment of bell's palsy because it has more potent anti-inflammatory effects compared to other steroids. If you do a literature review of bells palsy treatment on PUBMED, you dont find any article in which betamethasone is used in the treatment of bell's palsy.



Prednisolone vs Beta methasone

AOA. Well i wanna ask why prednisolone is given for BELL's palsy and not any other steroid ?? There was a question in MED part-1 regarding this. The most probable option to me was that prednisolone does not suppress PITUITARY-ADRENAL AXIS as compared to Betamethasone. I hv been searching for answer
in many books but even in KATZUNG I hvnt been able to find a suitable answer. Senior doctors on this site are kindly requested to plz help me in this regard.