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Patient with 1 day history of Fever and Aphasia

Yesterday a female (35 years) patient came to our Emergency with c/o of Ear Discharge for 1 day for which she started Tab. Ciprin 500mg twice daily and in the morning, while she was in the market, she became drowsy and developed 2 episodes of vomiting. She was brought to home and found totally mute, not uttering a single word. In ER, when I examined her, she was aphasic, with spontaneous eye opening and was moving all 4 limbs. She was febrile with temp. of 103F. She also had positive Neck Stiffness and Kernigs. I tried different methods to make her speak, but failed to do so. I asked her little son to call her mother. Whenever he tried to do so, her mother tried opened her eyes, but didnt said anything. From that examination, i concluded that she had somehow intact hearing system.

I wonder, why is she having aphasia in Meningigits ?

Her CSF report later on confirmed Acute Pyogenic Meningitis.