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Re: echovist

raufunnisa wrote:
i never heard of hydrosonography leading to acute pelvic inflammtory disese but in last two months i came across two such cases.both had secondary subfertility of >5years and asymptomatic.the tubal patency was checkd by echovist in a diagnostic centre of high repute. one patient was saved by quinolone antibiotic after the diagnosis of PID but the second one needed involvement of general surgeon in a level 3 hospital ,laparotomy and drainage of pus from peritoneal cavity and died on third postop day due to septicaemia.
should we give prophylactic antibiotics before hydrosonography? OR send HVS for C/S before it ?

I have two comments on this:

1. Any one who is not capable of dealing with the complications of a procedure, should either not perform that procedure or should obtain adequate consultation before performing such procedure.

2. Yes any invasive procedure that requires manipulation of utrine cavity and instillation of fluids from below, has the potential to cause tubo-ovarian/peritoneal infection, so yes to prophylactic antibiotics.



i never heard of hydrosonography leading to acute pelvic inflammtory disese but in last two months i came across two such cases.both had secondary subfertility of >5years and asymptomatic.the tubal patency was checkd by echovist in a diagnostic centre of high repute. one patient was saved by quinolone antibiotic after the diagnosis of PID but the second one needed involvement of general surgeon in a level 3 hospital ,laparotomy and drainage of pus from peritoneal cavity and died on third postop day due to septicaemia.
should we give prophylactic antibiotics before hydrosonography? OR send HVS for C/S before it ?