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Re: pms

Any female who suffers from PMS/PMDD, knows exactly when the menstruation is about to start. Now without going into details, my advice is to start pain medication, at least 72 hours before the onset of menses and stop as soon as the blood flow begins. Majority of the PMS pain is due to clotted blood, which obstructs the cervix and further bleeding leads to distension of the uterus/regurgitation through the tubes into the peritoneal cavity. Thus, distension of the uterus combined with chemical peritonitis, is very painful and can be prevented by using any pain medication, which will inhibit platelet activity and prevent excessive clotting within the uterine cavity. Since everything comes with a price these days, this may cause heavier bleeding than usual but what the heck, you cannot win everything.



is there any way out for pre menstrual tension besides just pain killers or anxiolytics?