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Re: indexed journals in otolaryngology of p[akistan

Thank you farooq,can you please elaborate a little on the pmdc indexation and extramed indexation.
Thank you.


Re: Re: indexed journals in otolaryngology of p[akistan

hope all are fine.
which are called indexed jurnals.


Re: indexed journals in otolaryngology of p[akistan

Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences is also indexed in MedLine. It was indexed 2 years back.


Re: indexed journals in otolaryngology of p[akistan

Dear Rizvi

There are different journal indexes like Pubmed, extramed, PMDC indexation, ISI web of science etc and others.... As far as PUBMED the most relevant indexation service is concerned only three medical journals of Pakistan are indexed and they are
3.Journal of Ayub Medical College

There are many ENT journals indexed in pubmed but none of them is fro Pakistan




indexed journals in otolaryngology of p[akistan

could anyone please help,i am trying to find out whether the following journals of otolaryngology are indexed or not?
1.Journal of Pakistan Medical Association.JPMA.
2.journal of college of physicians and surgeons pakistan.JCPSP.
2.Pakistan journal of otolaryngolgogy.
if anyone knpows any other journal which is indexed please answer.