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Re: Re: Pakistani Journals_Key to success

sir, have you ever guided any Pakistani about research?


Re: Re: Pakistani Journals_Key to success

The issue is really of concern..if we dont address it now, then God help us..

In my view, there is a need to introduce culture of research in our educational institutions. How can we expect our students to do research when we do not even provide basic facilities for research to them. for example, our medical collages (majority if not all) do not provide free access to medical/public health journals to their students. This is the basic requirement for research.

When students decide to undertake research, there is no one to guide them on how to design a study, how to analyze data and so on.. our professors are not academics, they are traditional teachers with very little interest in medical research..

Yet, I would disagree that all research in Pakistan is below standard. even with such limited resources, I have seen articles which fulfill all criteria of quality research. there are people who are very good work.

Dr Shahid,


Re: Pakistani Journals_Key to success

To be honest with you, i even find some professors(medical doctors)cv who pride to have scientific publication in Jang newspaper and just conference attendances. I am not living in Pakistan for a long time,but i would like to help in the progress of research in medicine. Who is expert in medicine and biotechnology.I can not find anybody who is willing to write a grant with me. Believe me,if you are not willingly to accept help,nobody from outside can really help you.(
Dr.Shahzada M.D.
MSc Molecular Bioengineering
PhD Bio Molecular Medicine


Re: Pakistani Journals_Key to success

Thanks for the critics SIMPLEMD. I totally agree with you. However, there are certain articles which are good.

I would like to know how many research methodology courses have you conducted so far in the Pakistan, to educate our people? Do you belong to any Editorial board of any journal of Pakistan?


Re: Pakistani Journals_Key to success

I am new to this pakistani journal website but Pardon me...all the articles I read here are just ...lets say very bad...I dont want to be offensive in anyway..but what is the point of re inventing the wheel here ??
I just read the abstract of this so called"study" and title was Type 2 Diabetes and treatment with Simvastatin and Gemfibrozil...Hello?? Its like comparing oranges with apples...everyone know they both have different mechanisms of actions and obviously outcomes are going to be different .I dont think Pakistani professors even know how to design a study ...I am shocked.
Sorry if anyone minds it but someone needs to bite the bullet and tell them the truth.I would not want my Govt to pay any grant for such idiotic so called research at all.