Abeera Choudry.
Successful pregnancy outcomes in cases of septate and bicornuate uterus.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;57(2):155-7.

A 30 years old lady presented with primary infertility of 10 years duration. Immediately after her marriage, she presented in emergency with heavy post coital bleeding. A longitudinal vaginal septum was excised and she was found to have a double uterus along with double cervix. Three years later a hysterosalpingography was performed using double cannulas and both horns with patent tubes were visualised. Her ultrasound of kidney ureter and bladder was normal. After several courses of unsuccessful ovulation induction, laparascopy was performed that revealed bicornuate uterus and and tubes were found patent. Husband`s semen analysis was found to be normal and the couple was counseled for intra uterine insemination. Pregnancy was confirmed a month later after the patient underwent intrauterine insemination and ultrasound revealed a twin pregnancy with a sac in either horn.

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