Shakila Ashraf, Moinuddin.
Kell blood group: A population based study.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;17(4):211-4.

Objective: To determine the frequency of Kell-1 and Kell-2 and their gene frequencies in the Pakistani population. Design: This study was carried out on 15,500 random samples. Each sample was tested for Kell-1 and Kell-2 by indirect coombs’ test using anti Kell-1 and Kell-2 antisera. Setting: Institute of Haematology, Baqai Medical University, Karachi-Pakistan. Results: The frequency of Kell-1 was found to be 4.6% while that of Kell-2 was found to be 93.8%. Gene frequencies of Kell-1 and Kell-2 were found to be 0.24 and 0.976 respectively. A relationship of Kell-1 and Kell-2 was also established, Kell-1 demonstrated its highest positivity in A2 blood group and least in B blood group, Kell-2 on the other hand demonstrated its highest positivity in B blood group and least in A2 blood group. Conclusions: The frequency of Kell-1 is 4.6% and its gene frequency is 0.024 while the positivity of Kell-2 is 93.5% and its gene frequency is 0.976. All multi-gravida females with history of HDNB as well as multitransfused patients should be reserved for anti-Kell antibodies. All units of blood to be transfused to Kell-I sensitized patients must be Kell genotyped.

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