Anju Ghai, Raman Wadhera.
Laryngeal cyst aspiration - an aid to improve glottic view.
Anesth Pain Intens Care Jun ;11(2):89-91.

Large laryngeal cyst is a rare, benign lesion of the larynx and may cause difficulty in tracheal intubation. Laryngoscopy in these cases can provoke a sudden increase in size due to bleeding or oedema formation and cause severe respiratory obstruction. Due to compression by the mass on the larynx, airway problems are frequent. Stridor and sudden airway obstruction can occur due to large cysts and may necessitate urgent securing of the airway. A case of a laryngeal cyst is reported which occupied right side of larynx leading to obscured indirect laryngoscopic findings and external needle aspiration improved glottic view. Another advantage was avoidance of tracheostomy and more invasive fibreoptic intubation.

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