Mohammad Sharif, Sharafat Ali, Tahir Zaman.
Nasal septal surgery without splints, without packing.
Ann Abbasi Shaheed Hosp Karachi Med Dent Coll Jun ;12(1):17-23.

Rhinologists all over the world have frequently been using intranasal splints and packing after nasal septal surgery. They are used to prevent the complications, maintain septal stability and improve the results of the surgery performed. The objective of the study was to analyze and compare the discomfort level, complications and functional results of septoplasty with and without splints and packing. We studied 100 patients in two groups, by a randomized controlled trial to study the efficacy and morbidity of nasal septal splints and nasal packing after nasal septal surgery. The patients of the first group comprised 50 patients, who underwent septoplasty with intranasal splints and packing used after surgery. The second group, which also comprised of 50 patients, had septoplasty but no splints or packing was used. Patients were chosen randomly and children and elderly were excluded. Pain score was very high in patients with splints and packing, especially during the splints and packing insitu and particularly at the time of their removal. There was no significant difference in other complications and functional results. We concluded the morbidity associated with splints and packing does not justify their use in routine nasal septal surgery. They may still be indicated when combined procedures on septum and turbinate are performed. Key Words: Nasal Splints, Nasal packing, surgery complications

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