Siddiqui Emad, Lone Saira, Hashmi Seema, Hanif Shahina.
Congenital Malaria.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;24(4):765-7.

Congenital malaria is a rare disorder which is difficult to interpret as most of the clinical features are similar to other diseases e.g. neonatal sepsis. It is defined as the presence of malarial parasites in the peripheral smear of the newborn from twenty four hours to seven days of life. We report 12 days old newborn who presented with high grade fever, reluctant to take feed, increasing pallor, jaundiced, dehydrated and lethargic. He was hypotensive, hypoglycemic, convulsing with hepatospleenomegally. He had a clear history of maternal fever (intermittent) for last three weeks and increasing pallor. His MP test was positive. Both mother and child were treated and later discharged when they fully recovered.

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