Ravi Shankar, Rano Mal Piryani.
Medical education and medical educators in South Asia – a set of challenges.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;19(1):52-6.

South Asia has vast unmet health needs especially in rural areas. Community-based medical education can partly address these needs and can serve to introduce students to a number of community health problems. Climate change has the potential to produce major challenges for health and food security in South Asia. Medical students should be taught about climate change and methods to tackle its impact on health. The pharmaceutical industry in South Asia aggressively promotes their products. Disease mongering is becoming more common in South Asia. Educational initiatives to sensitize students regarding promotion are common in developed countries. In Nepal, an educational initiative critically looks at the industry`s promotional tactics. Similar initiatives are required in other medical schools. The nature of the doctor-patient relationship is changing. An increasing demand for patient autonomy and for their involvement in therapeutic decisions is seen. Access to the internet and internet sources of health information is increasing. Medical schools should address these issues as well. Medical Humanities modules and courses in communication skills are required. Research can play an important role in alleviating the health problems of South Asia. Students should be taught the basics of scientific research and student research should be strongly encouraged. This is a review article.

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