Abdul Mannan Sikder, Rabiul Husain, Shahinoor Islam.
A Randomized trial of part-time versus full-time patching regimens for treatment of Amblyopia.
Al-Shifa J Ophthalmol Jun ;4(1):9-18.

Purpose: To compare the results of part time versus full time occlusion therapy for treatment of amblyopia in children aged 4 to 8 years. Study Design: Randomized prospective study Place of study: Pediatric ophthalmology and Orthoptics clinic of Chittagong Eye Infirmary and Training Complex, Bangladesh Methods: 84 patients, 4 to 8 years of age with amblyopia presenting from January to December 2006 were included in the study. Each patient was randomly assigned with equal probability to either full time or part time daily patching. 43 patients were enrolled for part-time occlusion group and 41 patients for full-time occlusion group. Follow-up visits were conducted at 4 weeks and 16 weeks. Results: Visual acuity improved up to 6/12 or better in 29 (67.4%) patients of part-time occlusion group and in 27 (65.9%) patients of full-time occlusion group. At the 16 weeks visit visual acuity had improved from baseline by an average of 2.5 lines in part-time occlusion group and 3.1 lines in full-time occlusion group. Conclusion: We observed similar amount of visual acuity improvement of amblyopia found in both part-time and full-time occlusion group and there was no demonstrable advantage to greater number of occlusion hours. Al Shifa Journal of Ophthalmology 2008; 4(1): 9-18 © Al Shifa Trust Eye Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

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