Saffari Mahmood, Sameii Azam, Motavalli Mohammadali, Abtahi Hamid.
Designing ELISA method for measuring the level of anti-streptokinase antibody.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;25(3):474-8.

Objectives: Streptokinase, a protein produced by group C streptococci, is prescribed as a thrombosis treatment for the patients who suffer from acute myocardial infarction. Antibodies that are produced to neutralize streptokinase are challenges in treatment of MI patient particularly those who experience the attack for the second time. The purpose of this study was to introduce a simple enzyme immunoassay for determination of anti- streptokinase antibodies in plasma of patients. Methodology: For designing the standard method of Indirect Immunoassay or ELISA, commercially available reagents have been used for the assay, which are calibrated with serums of healthy individuals as control group and patients with acute myocardial as experimental group. Level of anti-streptokinase antibodies of treated patients with streptokinase and healthy voluntaries were assayed after 0, 1 and 6 months and results were analysed with statistical methods. Results: Sensitivity and specificity of this method was 88 and 95 percent respectively and its repeatability was CV, 8%. The mean of streptokinase antibody in the control group which was selected from the healthy population was 0.78 Au/ml(SEM, ±0.04), where as in the 45 patients of experimental group treated with streptokinase with no prior history of receiving this medication it was 0.95 Au/ml (SEM, ±0.04). The level of streptokinase measured after time interval of one and six month in both healthy and the experimental group was 0.74 Au/ml(SEM, ±0.04) and 0.74 Au/ml(SEM, ±0.04) ; 6.6 Au/mg(SEM, ±1.74) and 7.63(SEM, ±1.46), respectively. Conclusion: At the first stage, a significant correlation (r 0.92, P<0.0001) between the measured antibody was observed, whereas, a considerable change after receiving the first dose of medicine in the experimental group was detected (seroconversion, 0.89), and this change was even more pronounced following the administration of the second dose. These findings indicate the need for accessibility of a quick and efficient method for assessing the level of anti-streptokinase antibody prior to the prescription of this medicine, particularly after the second or subsequent doses.

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