Olajumoke A Morenikeji.
Perception and management of malaria in secondary schools in a Nigerian city.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;25(3):508-11.

Objective: This survey was carried out to assess the perception and management of malaria in secondary schools in South-West Nigeria. Methodology: A total of 600 teachers and senior secondary school students were sampled using a structured questionnaire in 20 secondary schools randomly selected. Results: Ninety five percent of the respondents have had malaria infection before. Seventy percent had it at least once in a year. Although 89% mentioned mosquitoes as the causative agent of the disease others said it is caused by the hot sun, bad weather, cold weather and the rain. Forty five percent use chloroquine for treatment, 29% use panadol/paracetamol while 14% use traditional herbs. Forty seven percent practice self medication although 74% had no idea of the full course of malaria treatment. Only 21% use bed nets. Conclusion: The continued input of information through the schools regarding Malaria is likely to achieve more impact both on the students, teachers and in the community as a whole.

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