Ghodrat Mohammadi.
Unilateral choanal atresia in adults.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;25(5):875-7.

Choanal atresia usually is a congenital anomaly; it can be unilateral or bilateral. Bilateral choanal atresia is always diagnosed in newborn infants. But unilateral choanal atresia sometimes missed and symptoms appear later. In a six years period eleven patients were referred to our clinic with unilateral nasal discharge, snoring and nasal blockage. No history of trauma and no complaints were there which could clearly point to the diagnosis. On investigation (nasal catheterization, choanography and CT scan), unilateral choanal atresia was seen on one side and semi stenosis on other side was seen.Seven female and four male (ages ranges from 11-15 years). Three of them underwent Transpalatal approaches (William incision) and eight endoscopic transnasal techniques. All have done well with follow up ranging from 9 months to 6 years and no complication. Otorhinolaryngologist should be alert to the diagnosis, particularly in patients with a unilateral nasal discharge and unilateral nasal blockage in adults.

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