Kamran Ahmed Malik, Asadullah Khan, Irshad Waheed.
Evaluation of the Alvarado Score in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jun ;10(10):392-4.

The usefulness of the Alvarado scoring system was assessed and evaluated prospectively in a consecutive series of 100 patients with suspected appendicitis between December 1,1997 and June 30,1998 at Surgical Unit I (ward 3) of Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi with the median age of patients being 22 years and female to male ratio of 1:4.26. Appendicitis was confirmed in 92 patients undergoing appendicectomy giving a false positive appendicectomy rate of 8%. The overall sensitivity of the Alvarado scoring system was found to be 85.86% which worked equally well in both male and female patients with sensitivities of 86.67% and 82.35% respectively.

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