Adnan Aziz, Irfan Sheikh, Masood Jawaid, Shams Nadeem Alam, Manzar Saleem.
Indications and complications s of loop ileostomy.
J Surg Pak Jun ;14(3):128-31.

Objective: To assess the indications and complications of temporary loop ileostomy. Study design Descriptive study. Place & duration of study: This study was conducted at Surgical Unit II, Civil Hospital Karachi between February 2005 and December 2007. Patients and Methods All patients who had temporary loop ileostomy during that period were included in this study. During hospital stay and at follow up till the stoma reversed, the indications and various complications were noted. Results: One hundred and twelve patients fulfilled the selection criteria. The most common indication of loop ileostomy was typhoid (enteric) perforation accounting for about two third of all cases (n 74). Iatrogenic gut perforation, covering ileostomy for rectal cancers, following resection anastomosis, tuberculosis, blunt abdominal trauma, anastomosis leak and rectovaginal fistula were other indications. The most common complication was skin excoriation (n 24), while poor placement, transient edema, retraction and high output were other less common complications. Conclusion: Temporary loop ileostomy is the stoma of choice for temporary fecal diversion as most of its complications are manageable non-operatively.

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