Muzamil Shabana Ejaz, Aneela Ahmed.
Communication skills of doctors in a paediatric department, their perceptions and practices.
Pak J Med Sci Jun ;26(2):384-9.

Objective: To determine the perceptions and practices regarding communication skills of doctors in a paediatric department of a tertiary care hospital. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the Department of Paediatrics, Dow Medical College and Civil Hospital Karachi from October to December 2008. Fifty four doctors including faculty, consultants, registrars, postgraduates and medical officers of indoor and outdoor departments and wards were enquired regarding their behavior and communication with parents and physicians. Their responses were recorded on a questionnaire based on standards IMNCI/WHO guidelines for good communication skills. The data was later analyzed and given as frequencies and percentages. Results: Sixty five percent doctors were spending less than 10 minutes with patients, seventy percent of the doctors claimed that they were polite and friendly with their patients, thirty seven percent were using simple language, thirty nine percent were listening carefully without interruption whereas eighty percent did not knew the appropriate time of follow up. Seventy four percent doctors claimed that lack of parental understanding is one of the important reasons for lack of effective communication. Other reasons reported were large number of patients (56%) lack of adequate time (50%), inadequate numbers of doctors (35%) and other paramedical staff (30%). Conclusion: Majority of doctors of Paediatric Department are using inadequate communication skills. Large number of patients, lack of adequate number of doctors and paramedical staff and lack of parental understandings were the reasons given by the doctors for inadequate communication practices.

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