Farrukh Seir.
Snake Bite Cases In Cmh Bahawalpur.
Pak Armed Forces Med J Jun ;51(2):173-76.

A retrospective study of medical record of snake bite cases admitted during two years from July 1994 to June 1996 in Combined Military Hospital Bahawatpur was carried out. As the terrain is heavily infested with snakes, large number of cases of snake bites occur in civilian population. The record of 22 cases admitted to CMH Bahawalpur was scrutinized for establishing the pattern of snake bite cases. Nineteen (86.36%) patients were referred from Advanced Dressing Station or Regimental Medical Officers to the hospital, the rest reported directly. Initial information about the nature of snake and snake bite, in most of the cases was insufficient. All cases except 1 (4.54%) occurred in summer months, during night. Majority of the patients were from Artillery and Armour Corps. The victims reached hospital between 15 minutes to 4 % hours. The hospital stay was 3-23 days, 3 (13.63%) patients developed neurotoxic manifestations. Only 1 (4.54%) patient received polyvalent antisnake venom in the field. Provision of polyvalent antisnake venom and awareness among soldiers about snake bite need further consideration. Administration of care and specific treatment in time can prevent death due to poisonous snake bite.

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