Rizwana Riaz, Abida Sultana, Sajid Hameed, Syed Arshad Sabir.
Knowledge about leprosy in doctors of teaching hospitals of Rawalpindi.
Pak J Med Res Jun ;49(4):121-3.

Objectives: To assess the knowledge of doctors about leprosy. Subjects and Methods: This was a qualitative study. Specially designed questionnaire based interviews were carried out in three teaching hospitals (Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi General Hospital and District Head Quarter Hospital of Rawalpindi Medical College) over 2 months (May-June 2008). Doctors were interviewed irrespective of their qualification and experience using convenience sampling. Results: A total of 136 doctors were included in the study, out of which 96 were simple MBBS, 34 had done FCPS-I and 6 were FCPS-II. Of the total 68 doctors, 38.2% had seen a case of leprosy whereas 61.8% had never examined a case of leprosy. Majority knew the commonly used drugs for leprosy and only 2.9% did not know them. Eighty two percent doctors knew the management of a suspected case of leprosy. Conclusions: Doctors had adequate knowledge about leprosy that was independent of their qualification and experience. Policy message: Though leprosy has been eradicated from Pakistan but students and doctors still need to educated on this subject to keep them abreast about the subject.

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