Tariq Javeed, Ghulam Mustafa, Ikramullah Khan, Muhammad Khalid Khan.
Secondary defense antioxidant status of vitamin C, vitamin E and GSH in malaria, caused by plasmodium falciparum and plasmodium vivax.
Pak J Pharm Sci Jun ;24(2):103-7.

Present investigations focused on the antioxidant defense in malaria caused by plasmodium Falciparum and plasmodium Vivax the mean ±SEM values of Vitamin C, Vitamin E and GSH very highly significantly decreased as compared with normal individuals in both malaria species which cause malaria disease. The antioxidant levels in female were decreased very significantly due to decreased levels of antioxidant as compared with the male patients. The results are shown as mean ±SME, the antioxidant levels in malarial patients was compared with normal individuals, in both genders. The antioxidant levels of vitamin C, Vitamin E and glutathione decreased in malaria caused by both species, a much greater decrease in patients infected by Plasmodium Vivax. P <001 was considered significant. The decrease of antioxidant levels was higher in female patients as compared with male patients. Antioxidant supplements like Vitamin C, Vitamin E and GHS may be used with anti malarial therapy, as a preventive measure because malaria affects the secondary antioxidant defense system of the body.

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