Lateef Saka Kasim, Valerie Ferro, Oluwakemi A Odukoya, Grace Eigbibhalu Ukpo, Veronique Seidel, Alexander I Gray, Roger Waigh.
Cytotoxicity of isolated compounds from the extracts of struchium sparganophora (linn) Ktze asteraceae.
Pak J Pharm Sci Jun ;24(4):475-8.

Chemical investigation of the leaves of Struchium sparganophora by the application of VLC, CL and PTLC resulted in isolation of three compounds. The cytotoxicity activity of these compounds on malignant human cultured cells was examined. Vernodalin showed a significant cytotoxic activity on the melanoma and ovarian cancer cell lines (P<0.05) while the conjugated 3 methyl, 2, 6 hexacosedienol and luteolin caused cell death after 48h reculture without them. These compounds portend an effective remedy if subjected to structural modification to enhance its’ efficacy and the dietary importance of this plant as a culinary herb in west Africa countries is evidence by the presence of these antitumour compounds in this plant

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