Kanchan Kayastha, Afzal Sheikh.
Acute gastric volvulus secondary to malrotation of gut in a child with cerebral palsy.
APSP J Case Rep Jun ;2(2):12.

Acute gastric volvulus secondary to malrotation of gut is a rare surgical emergency. We report a case of an eight years old cerebral palsy (CP) child who presented to us with sudden upper abdominal distension and non productive retching. X-ray abdomen revealed a huge gas shadow on left side of abdomen with paucity of distal gas shadows. On exploration organoaxial gastric volvulus with gastric ischemia, secondary to malrotation of gut, was found. Volvulus derotated and Ladd’s procedure was done. Gastropexy and fundoplication was not done due to gastric ischemia. Early diagnosis and surgical management can save the patient from fatal complications of gastric perforation due to gastric ischemia.

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