Farrukh Kamal, Shahida Niazi, AH Nagi, Mansour AI Jaradi, IA Naveed.
Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC): an experience at King Edward Medical College, Lahore.
Pak J Pathol Jun ;7(2):33-6.

Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) was performed on 1050 patients at the department of Pathology, King Edward Medical College, Lahore. It consisted of aspiration of various organs and sites including thyroid, lymph node, breast, parotid gland etc. Out of 627 thyroid aspirates, 509 (81.18%) were diagnosed as colloid nodules/goitres, 59 (9.41%) as neoplastic, 31(4.95%) as colloid cysts and 5 (0.79%) as thyroiditis, whereas 15 (2.39%) aspirates were unsatisfactory. Out of 204 aspirates from lymph nodes, 102 (50%) were diagnosed as tuberculosis, 33 (16.18%) malignant lymphadenopathies, 11(5.39%) reactive hyperplasia, 47 (23.04%) as chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis and 11 (5.31%) unsatisfactory. Regarding 177 aspirates from breast lumps, 58 (32.77%) showed fibrocystic disease, 30 (16.95%) fibroadenoma, 48 (27.12%) malignant, 32 (18.08%), inflammatory, 6 (3.39%) suspicious of malignancy and 3 (1.69%) were inconclusive. Sixteen cases of parotid swellings were also aspirated. Nine (56.25%) were diagnosed as pleomorphic adenomas, 5 (31.25%) inflammatory and 2 (12.50%) as malignant lesions. In addition 26 aspirates were done from other organs and sites.

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