Ikramullah Khan.
Abdominal pregnancy with a full term alive fetus.
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;5(2):392-3.

Abdominal pregnancy with alive fetus at term is a rare condition. An obstetrician may encounter in life once such condition. A 35 years. Old lady presented in the labour room with severe abdominal pain and bleeding per vaginum. On clinical examination, she was diagnosed as case of scar rupture due to previous three caesarean deliveries. The Doppler ultrasound revealed intact abdominal pregnancy with alive fetus at term. Three units of blood were transfused. Laparotomy was done. Alive fetus female 3.2 kg was delivered from abdominal cavity from the pouch of Douglas. The placenta was complete having its blood supply from right uterine artery. It was completely removed .She had good recovery.

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