Kaukab Sultana, Sadia Amir, Adina Shamsi.
Role of glucose to insulin ratio (G/R) in obese and non-obese patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;5(2):338-40.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common endocrine disorder in females of reproductive age group. This syndrome has familial predisposition. The basic problem is in hypothalamic pituitary axis leading to increased LH/FSH ratio. Insulin resistance & resultant hyperinsulinemia is a common finding which leads to altered steroid hormone metabolism and other manifestations of the syndrome. This study was carried on sixty females of PCOS half obese and half non-obese taken from gynaecology and obstetrics OPD of Services Hospital, Lahore. They were diagnosed on the basis of History, clinical examination raised LH/FSH ratio. Forty females half obese and half non obese were taken as control. Fasting glucose and insulin levels were determined and ratio (GIR) was calculated. Both cases and control were given 75gm glucose in 200ml of water. Two hours after glucose load again glucose and insulin levels were measured and glucose to insulin ratio was calculated. Fating glucose was not significantly high in both obese and non-obese groups. But significant higher insulin levels were observed especially in obese group. So GIR ratio was decreased in (cut of value was taken 4.5) 33% of non-obese and 60% of obese cases. After glucose load. Glucose levels were not significantly raised but marked hyperinsulinemia was observed in obese cases. GIR was decreased & was below cut off value of 4.5 in 80% non obese & 86.6 % of obese cases. These are the patients who need insulin sensitizing drugs.

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