Mehrunnisa, Noorussaba, Muhammad Ashfaq.
Changes in cardiac structure with increasing adipose tissue mass.
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;5(1):129-32.

To determine the structural changes in left ventricle in moderate to severe obesity, 46 normotensive, healthy obese subjects (16 men and 30 women Mean±SE age 36.87±1.31 years; body mass index 36.46±0.57 kg/m2) and 41 normotensive, normal weight volunteers, 16 men and 25 women, matched for age and sex distribution were studied by 2-dimensional and M-mode echocardiography. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was higher normal in obese than in normal weight control subjects (Mean±SE 90.05±0.89 mmHg vs 94.65±0.82 mmHg, p< 0.001). It was directly correlated with LV mass/Height index in obese subjects (p<0.02). Sum of posterior wall thickness (PWT) and interventricular septal thickness (IVST) known as wall thickness (SWT) was significantly increased in obese than in control subjects (p< 0.001). LV internal diastolic diameter/height index (LVIDD/height index) was significantly increased in obese than in control subjects (p< 0.001) and was directly correlated with LVmass/height index (< 0.001). But the ratio of SWT to LV internal diastolic diameter/Height index (SWT divided by LV1DD/height index) known as relative wall thickness or RWT did not show difference between the two groups (p = 0.512). LV mass/Height index was higher in obese than in normal weight subjects (p< 0.001, highly significant). BMI was directly correlated with LV mass/Height index (r=0.724, p-<0.001), showing positive relationship between LVmass index and body mass index. LVmass increases as obesity becomes more severe and the mean arterial pressure (MAP) tends to increase with increasing LV mass/height index

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