Azaz Akhtar Siddiqui, Yashpal Singh, Shahbaz Ahmad.
Rare cause of small bowel obstruction-enterolith.
Rawal Med J Jun ;36(3):246-7.

We report a case of 60yr male with 10day history of pain in abdomen with difficulty in passing stool & flatus, followed by abdominal distension. Radiograph showed multiple air fluid level & dilated small bowels, CT Scan revealed a large 3.3×2.7 cm calcified lesion in right ileal region, progressively the symptoms became acute and the exploratory laprotomy was done. At laprotomy small bowel was grossly dilated upto 3.0ft proximal to ileo- caecal junction & collapsed distally, a single 3.5x3cm round stone with smooth surface was present in ileum. Other viscera including gall-bladder was normal excluding the possibility of gall stone ileus. Analysis of stone revealed a composition of calcium oxalate.

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