Ikramullah Khan, Noreen Shezadi.
Prospective study of ovarian tumors clinical pattern and their management at Lady Willingdon Hospital, Lahore.
Pak J Med Health Sci Jun ;4(2):159-62.

This was prospective study done at lady willing don Hospital affiliated with king Edward Medical university from 1st January 2008 to 31st December 2008 .The main objective was to analyze various risk factors, clinical pattern and management aspect of ovarian tumors. Total 80 cases were included and tumors with pregnancy and recurrent in origin were excluded. Most of malignant tumors were seen after age of 50 yrs 82% in different ages while the benign were seen in reproductive age before 40-yrs73.7%. In both groups tumors were common in multipara women but significant numbers of malignancy were in unmarried and nulliparous women The commonest symptom was pain in abdomen 81.2% while epithelial tumors accounts for 72.5% in origin The tumors are difficult to manage due to advance stage. 60% of ovarian cancer were managed by debulking surgery while only 15 % were treated by primary surgery. Most of benign tumors were treated with conservative fertility sparing surgery

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